The Situation in Afghanistan

Given all that has happened in the realm of international relations recently, it is important that we not forget the devastation that is occurring in Afghanistan. The Taliban takeover in 2021 has created a humanitarian disaster that the international community has not effectively responded to. It is a complex issue which raises questions about how aid could serve as a legitimiser for the Taliban and sees some argue that it is foreign aid that caused this crisis in the first place. This article serves not to argue either side of these debates but rather to share some of the alarming facts, illustrating how dire the situation in Afghanistan still is.  … Continue readingThe Situation in Afghanistan

The Platinum Jubilee and Constitutional Monarchy in the 21st Century

Today marks the 70th anniversary of Her Majesty The Queen’s accession to the Throne. Although not a time of celebration for the Queen as it also marks the anniversary of the death of her beloved father King George VI, this milestone will be celebrated across the Commonwealth with much fanfare in June. Every jubilee and significant royal event brings about questions regarding the monarchy’s future in Australia and other Commonwealth realms, including Canada and New Zealand. While it is important to have such discussions about the political structure of our country, there are other constitutional issues regarding the functionality of our governance which should be addressed more urgently. … Continue readingThe Platinum Jubilee and Constitutional Monarchy in the 21st Century

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As we enter another year, it is imperative that we reflect on previous significant events in order to anticipate what the coming twelve months may bring. While much of 2021 has been overshadowed by COVID-19, the emergence of the Delta and Omicron variants, and the rollout of various vaccines, significant geopolitical rumblings have brewed and will continue to rumble well into 2022. The following issues may define the upcoming year in international affairs and even have impacts into 2023 and beyond.
Continue reading2021 – THE SEQUEL | WHAT TO EXPECT IN 2022

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Kennedy for Australia | The Importance of Caroline Kennedy’s Nomination as U.S. Ambassador to Australia

President Joe Biden has nominated Caroline Kennedy, former Ambassador to Japan and daughter of former President John F. Kennedy, as the next United States Ambassador to Australia. Recent headlines regarding Ambassador Kennedy’s appointment have fixated on her status as a member of the infamous Kennedy … Continue readingKennedy for Australia | The Importance of Caroline Kennedy’s Nomination as U.S. Ambassador to Australia

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The Green Promises of Electric Vehicles

It has long been recognised that electric vehicles will play a key role in achieving low-carbon economies. Their role warrants particular emphasis as world leaders prepare to assemble in Glasgow for COP26 with the intention of reaffirming emission reduction targets.

However, as Jeremy Yves demonstrates, the rise of electric vehicles comes with a range of environmental and social problems which may counteract their purported benefits and require greater consideration.

This article is the third in a series of articles focusing on environmental policy and politics in the lead up to the COP26 Summit. … Continue readingThe Green Promises of Electric Vehicles

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The 2019-2020 summer bushfires depicted the extreme and devastating impacts of climate change already here now. The subsequent toll on human and animal life generated public concern over the necessity to act early in order to prevent future consequences. This distress was largely pushed aside in the public sphere as the concern shifted to the more immediate issue of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, in August the IPCC (International Panel on Climate Change) released a report predicting a global warming of 1.5oC as early as 2030. This landmark report reinforced the urgency of responding to the climate crisis. This is why COP26, held in Glasgow from early November will be critically important in preventing a runaway climate catastrophe. … Continue readingAUSTRALIA ISOLATED ON CLIMATE POLICIES IN THE LEAD UP TO COP26

Climate Change and the IPCC Report: What Is to Be Done?

‘On August 9th 2021, the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released the first instalment of its Sixth Assessment Report, AR6. This landmark document will be the subject of deliberations during the COP26 Summit this November in Glasgow. It confirms what scientists have been saying for decades; that human activity is unequivocally responsible for the increases in the earth’s temperature.’

Megha Iyer discusses the pressing need for all countries to adopt the recommendations stipulated in the AR6 and the crucial opportunity that COP26 presents to make this a reality.

This article is the first in a series of articles focusing on environmental policy and politics in the lead up to the COP26 Summit. … Continue readingClimate Change and the IPCC Report: What Is to Be Done?

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For over a week in July this year, South Africa was wracked by its worst violence since the end of apartheid in 1994. Riots in the country’s Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal provinces left at least 342 people dead, with at least 3407 arrested. The trigger of the unrest was the jailing of former President of South Africa and African National Congress (ANC) leader Jacob Zuma for contempt of court. … Continue readingBRING ME MY MACHINE GUN: SOUTH AFRICA’S WORST POST-APARTHEID VIOLENCE

France’s fight against Islamism: Sécurité, Égalité, Fraternité?

No society can abandon state coercion or punishment completely. Criminal activity is often a threat to liberalism, and it needs to be punished lest liberalism destroy itself entirely. But while France is steering clear of Polish or Hungarian-style illiberalism (which is religious, socially conservative, and enforced for its own sake), it is pushing the boundaries of what have traditionally been considered appropriate limits on liberalism in the West. … Continue readingFrance’s fight against Islamism: Sécurité, Égalité, Fraternité?


Developing and transferring technology has been at the forefront of climate action, spearheaded by the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) signed in 1992. The treaty’s implementation is evident in the drive towards renewable energy and utilising technologies to promote redacting carbon emissions. … Continue readingTECHNOLOGY: THE TOOL TO COMBAT CLIMATE CHANGE IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES?

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