Pan-Arabism in Egypt: A Mainspring in the Exodus of Greek-Egyptians and Foreign Diplomacy Today

To understand the decisions leading to the Greek exodus, we must first anchor ourselves in the early 1900s political climate and discourse that permeated Egypt at that time. Remains of these movements are visible in the Greek-Egyptian political relationship today, and multilateral efforts are being made to combat these challenges.  … Continue readingPan-Arabism in Egypt: A Mainspring in the Exodus of Greek-Egyptians and Foreign Diplomacy Today


In 2015, the European migrant crisis reached its peak, with 1,015,078 individuals seeking refuge across the continent. Since then, the European Commission declared the migration crisis to be over in 2019, as the rest of the world largely forgot about the humanitarian crisis lingering on Europe’s foreshores. However, the fire that ripped through the largest refugee camp, Moria on the Greek island of Lesbos on 8 September 2020, has gained global attention and reminded the world of the humanitarian disaster that remains. … Continue readingTHE HIDDEN REFUGEE CAMPS OF EUROPE