The World Cannot Forget: Afghanistan and Ineffective Disaster Management

This article was written in collaboration with an Afghan national and law graduate from the University of Herat. I would like to thank them for their insight and representation. Their names have been anonymised due to ensuring their safety and freedom of speech. Significant developments … Continue readingThe World Cannot Forget: Afghanistan and Ineffective Disaster Management

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The Situation in Afghanistan

Given all that has happened in the realm of international relations recently, it is important that we not forget the devastation that is occurring in Afghanistan. The Taliban takeover in 2021 has created a humanitarian disaster that the international community has not effectively responded to. It is a complex issue which raises questions about how aid could serve as a legitimiser for the Taliban and sees some argue that it is foreign aid that caused this crisis in the first place. This article serves not to argue either side of these debates but rather to share some of the alarming facts, illustrating how dire the situation in Afghanistan still is.  … Continue readingThe Situation in Afghanistan