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Filip Markoski (Chief Editor)

For me, I would have to go back to Switzerland. Having travelled there in 2019, I can still recall enough of the natural beauty and relaxing atmosphere that the country had to warrant an immediate return trip. Ideally, I would want to rent a sporty car and go driving through the Swiss Alps and pay a visit to the famous swiss watch factories. The benefit of visiting Switzerland first is that the rest of Europe is on offer. And following Switzerland I would make my way north and explore the sights of Northern Europe.

Lauren Paynter:
The place I want to most visit when COVID-19 restrictions lift is Australia. Not just a little trip down the Great Ocean Road (as good as that would be), a couple of months travelling along the West Australian Coast. When I was six, my family travelled around Australia for nine months and ever since I have wanted to go back to the Kimberley. To see the red dirt on the outback stations, swim it waterholes and visit the Bungle Bungles. Just a four-wheel drive, a swag and a couple of friends would be ideal. I want to holiday here this year.

Sonali De Silva (Chief Editor)

This topic hits particularly close to home for me as my original plan this year was to take the semester off and travel the world… However, when post-isolation and post-travel ban hits (whenever this may be) I would love to go to the Great Barrier Reef and (ethically) snorkel. Before the pandemic hit, I recently went to Hawaii where I found a new found respect and love for marine wildlife especially whales, sharks and dolphins. This got me thinking that I had travelled hours across the world yet I hadn’t ever witnessed the beauty we had in our own backyard. As I will most likely get some flack for not saying something international, I would also love to go to Iceland to both witness the Northern Lights and dive in between tectonic plates.

Hamah Hosen:
Anyone that knows me is probably going to guess that the place I’d want to visit would be somewhere in Europe. However, given that my North America trip was cancelled this year, my answer would be New York. Besides wanting to re-ignite my love for Gossip Girl and not wanting to waste my efforts planning the previous trip, I’d want to travel here as my interests can be found all in one location. I’d be able to appreciate architecture, nature, the arts, food, and international affairs while taking pictures and hanging out friends. That being said though, it probably isn’t the best place to visit right now.

Ryan Attard (Founder/ Writer)

I can’t pick one place to go. But my dream is to rent a car and travel around the UK and continental Europe. When I was first in Europe in 2013, I stayed in the town of Ypres, Belgium (a town flattened during World War I). It was there I learnt how small towns encapsulate the culture and traditions of a country. While I may be too young to hire a car, I would like to start in Malta, travel over to Italy, drive across Central and Western Europe, take a ferry from Calais to Dover, and travel up to Edinburgh. I’d love to do this during December so I could see the celebrations across the different countries, visiting Christmas markets and ending in Scotland for Hogmanay.

Gursewak Singh:
Going on nearly more than a month, we’ve been asked to stay at home to protect lives. Being cooped up inside, however, has also prompted us to look out our windows to the great world beyond. So it’s difficult to respond to where I would like to travel most after all this is over. Perhaps I’d like to go back to my great Amtrak adventure, from Montréal to San Fransisco, watching the world change outside through a window. One that moves through the changing landscape of North America, from snow-capped mountains, through forested valleys and the vast expanses of empty deserts save the monolithic rock monuments. As we journey along, sharing a meal or a coffee with strangers taking the same journey as you and learning what brought them to share that moment with you. All the meanwhile stopping in cities along the way, spending days visiting the Smithsonian and getting lost in the creations of man, or sitting cozy in a Chicago restaurant, singing the praises of the man that decided to create the Chicago-style deep-dish pizza. Perhaps I’d like to travel to take in the world and all its facet, to appreciate everything and to never take any of it for granted again.

Devan Phillipson:
I would love to get back to visit Hong Kong. I was raised there and I want to experience the culture once again, especially the Canton food! I could do with some char siu bao. But above all, I want to help my friends in their fight against the tyranny of the Chinese Communist Party. They are in the fight if their lives and it’s heartbreaking to see the city I grew up in be subject to oppression and police brutality. I’d love to go back to HK once this pandemic is over. That is, of course I have any cash…

Pierce Thomas Soulsby:
An absolute go to when the lockdown is a place of immense humility, in the north-western region of France is where I visited my two great-great uncles. Henry Soulsby and James Mason are two of my kin that fell fighting in the First World War, to see my last name engraved on a tomb stone still humbles me to this day. I encourage the readers of this article, if they know of family who also fell in this theatre of the war to also come take this trip down humility lane. This part of France is open and beautiful, at least this brush with mortality has green fields.

Francesco Barrese:
I would love to visit Japan because of all the wacky and cool things I have heard about from friends who have previously visited the country. All the unique experiences on offer such as driving through the streets in a Mario Kart style buggy, eating at a robot restaurant, or fighting sumo wrestlers, seem so fascinating. There are also wholesome animal cafés and a chance to relive nostalgia in the soon to be completed Super Nintendo World theme park. On top of all that, Japan offers such a rich history and culture which can be experienced and learned about through too many ways to list. Need I say more?

Claire Peter-Budge:
When the opportunity of travel comes my way again, I endeavour to visit the Philippines. Specifically, I will venture to the island of Luzon, in the county’s north, and visit the city of Vigan. Established in the 16th century and declared a World Heritage site by UNESCO in 1999, Vigan provides both the historic aesthetic from Spain’s colonial period and a legacy of cultural fusion synonymous of “East meets West”. Lined with cobblestone streets, horse-drawn carriages and baroque architecture, it is a haven of heritage most suited for an old soul like myself. My itinerary would consist of long days of wandering – visiting preserved mansions, admiring the cathedrals and hopping to and from as many local museums as possible. To top it off, I can end my day by attending a light show at Plaza Salcedo and feast on some street food. In terms of my personal travel list, all boxes will be ticked.

Dean Antos:
I would love to travel to “The Big Apple”. I was meant to have travelled to New York in April of this year, before the global pandemic found a way to turn off the dazzling lights of the city skyline. Whilst the trip was centred around an academic event, I no doubt would have had ample time to traverse through the bustling city streets. I look forward to experiencing the city that never sleeps even though this post isolation holiday may take a while to come to fruition. I would love to pencil in a trip in April of 2021

Adam Brand:
Post-COVID-19 I would really like to travel to Switzerland in summertime and do a walk along the Alps. I have always loved the look and feel of mountains, and from the photos the Swiss Alps look incredible. I’m sure it will be amazing walking through the steep valleys between mountains and along the mountain peaks. 

Ludwig Cook:
I’ve always wanted to go to New Zealand, and was actually planning a holiday there with friends until the current situation happened. I’ve always wanted to experience the beautiful natural scenery. Climbing up Mount Ngauruhoe aka Mount Doom in Lord of the Rings is on the list of things to do while I’m there. Snowboarding and bungee jumping near Queenstown are two things I definitely want to experience while I’m there. Finally, I’d love to experience Wellington and Auckland, and all that they have to offer.

Charlene Fernando:
Post-isolation, I would love to take a trip to New Zealand! The natural beauty of New Zealand and its numerous environmental attractions never fails to amaze me, and it would be wonderful to see these stunning locations in person, particularly because I live in a metropolitan area. As a side note, New Zealand is also home to the Middle Earth films, of which I am a huge fan. It would be a surreal experience to be able to visit the filming sites and especially Hobbiton, and immerse myself in the surroundings and scenes that made the films so iconic. 

Caitlin Graham:
When the travel ban finally ends, and we can venture past our front doors without specific reason, I shall travel to Elba Island in Italy. The island is remote, but packed with Italian and German tourists, kilometres off the coast of Livorno. The language barrier can be refreshing, a European destination free of other Australians that pack most hostels in European capitals. The water is transparent, sea life abundant, the sand ranging from small black grains, pure white sand to stretches full of rocks and seashells. The sunsets are a thousand colours in one and everywhere you look there are fun activities. Barely anything can top daily beach parties with young Italians excited for summer after being stuck at home for months on end.

Daniel Starcevich:
To celebrate our post-isolation freedom, I’m dreaming of doing the exact opposite of what we’ve all been doing for the last few weeks. I want to attend a packed concert hall with hundreds of people in London, trawl the markets and dine-in at the most rustic restaurants of Paris, hike the alps of Switzerland, and drink in the crowded bars and pulsing clubs of Berlin, all before diving into the crystal blue waters of the Mediterranean. Who knows if the budget will ever stretch that far, but I’m so ready to make it happen. Look out, Europe. I’m coming for ya!

Rebekah Crawley:
Right now I am very cold so I am dreaming about being in the sun, lying on a beach, sangria in hand. That’s why I would love to visit Barcelona. Barcelona sounds like the full package in just one day I’d be able to wander past basilicas, visit beaches and hike up a nearby mountain. And yes I’d be doing all of this while singing Barcelona by George Ezra. By day I’d be playing beach volleyball and by night I’d get my flamenco on. I’d also get started on my Spanish food bucket list which includes paella, croquettes, chorizo, empanadas, and of course churros. It’s likely I’d leave Spain 5kgs heavier.

Shailja Sharma:
Friends, let’s be honest here, sometimes there’s no better place than home. So instead of spending your hard-earned cash somewhere else and being disappointed, why don’t you stay at home, treat yourself and reap the benefits? The sights to look out for include but are definitely not limited to: your incredibly comfy bed, the wealth of things to view on the internet either through one’s phone or a computer, the ability to see yourself in trakky-dacs or no pants at all, and calming walks around the neighbourhood, just to reacquaint yourself with the outside world.  Sometimes, it’s much better to slowly ease yourself back into the brashness and chaotic nature of a post-iso world by having some gosh-darned peace and quiet to oneself.

Zack McGuinness:
A fairly easy choice. Budapest. There’s something for everyone, especially with many sights documenting Hungary’s complicated and confronting history. Oh and importantly, with ruin bars scattered across the city the nightlife is incredible. While on a cold day like today, there isn’t anywhere I’d rather be than in a 40°C thermal bath.

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